It really has been a while since I came back here the last time huh? Well it can't be helped...
Right after I finished my first phase of final assignment, I replayed
Neverwinter Nights 2. Right after that I played the expansion,
Mask of Betrayer. And almost immediately ater I beat that I replayed
Knights of the Old Republic.
So, yeah, it was quite a busy 2 months, no? :p
Anyway, let's open up this story of the month with my dream this morning
Yep, I still remember it quite well enough. The scene was.. Well.. Inside a pyramid that suspiciously similar to the Tomb of Tulak Hord in KotOR. And there was even the mad man himself in there.
Oddly enough, there are no walls. Next to the floors are a bottomless pit. Not to mention the floors themselves are floating. O_o
I went into this pyramid with a party of explorers. The path from the entrance was completely straight-forward, besides being curved up and down time and time again.
After a not-so-long walk, we found a relic standing atop of a pedestal, with Jorak standing next to it. He said that if we want to claim the relic, we had to answer all his questions correctly.
The questions were not too difficult, until the last one when he asked whether anyone of us would kill each other for the relic. We said no, of course. Well, as a mad man he was, he claimed it as a wrong answer, and started to glow like a Super Saiyan (a bald super saiyan, to be exact @_@).
Since this is MY dream, some guy from my party whacked his head with a Frying pan before he could do anything. ~_~
Apparently Jorak was some kind of a guardian of the pyramid, because after we kicked his bald butt the pyramid started to collapse upon us. So we grabbed the relic and ran like hell to the entrance...
Which, unfortunately, was slowly closing down, and I was the last of the line, pretty far from others actually, since I was the one carrying the relic...
The others made it in a near miss, as for me it was even nearer. After the guy in front of me managed to escape, the floor behind him - in front of me - collapsed, I didn't know what else to do but jump.
Now here's the wacky part, I actually managed to jump from debris to debris and grabbed the floor on the entrance gate and hoisted myself up, rolled under the closing gate, and I was outside.
I woke up stunned.
I mean, really, not even the Prince or Altair would ever be able to do that kind of stunt. And I really wish I'm actually able to.. O_O