Sorry for the vacuum, I had relocate my crib for quite some time actually, and the network here is... well, to be honest... Kinda lame..
I'd love to stay and tell some more stories, there's so much that I could talk about.. but I have two exams tomorrow (no, wait, it's today now). So I need to get up early, and I won't be able to do that if I sleep late at night, no?
"But why are you here posting then?" You might ask. Well, it's simply because I found something that I might forget if I wait 'till afternoon.
It's the birthday of my anime-twin-sister!

Happy birthday Kona-chan!!
Well, with that done.. time to fall back to bed now......
FAQ time:
Q: "Why didn't you post about Secchan's birthday like you did Kona-chan's? You're supposed to be her fan"
A: "And let her get surrounded by those perverted wolves out there? Hell no. 'Sides, we celebrated it privately <3"