I had my hands quite full a few hours ago: Was browsing topics for my Engineering ethics take-home test, browsing nice mods for Fallout 3 and searching for some mod troubleshooting, reading my friend's blog, doing wall-to-wall chat with my potential sister-in-law gonnabe at Facebook, browsing for some AYBABTU stuffs, and chatting at Yahoo Messenger. All at the freakin' same time.
And a few minutes ago, I realized I can no longer concentrate on doing things due to the multi-tasking mayhem. Feeling thirsty, I poured some water to my cup, and here's what happened:
Yep, the cup's condition was unchanged before pouring the water up to after I have written this down. I only moved it a little to clean up the mess.
Thinking I should stop doing anything else before I mess something up again, I decided to go to bed.
For you slowpokes who still don't get what happened yet: I was pouring the water to my cup, with its lid still in place. And not realizing it for around 3 seconds or so. Capiche? =_="
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