If you are a parent, have you ever looked at your children, acting like there's nothing wrong with them just so that you won't worry, because they care about you a lot?
Or simply because they're afraid to be scolded for not being a perfect child like you expected them to be, so much that they pretend that they're okay while deep inside they're torn apart?
Have you ever considered anything else about them, other than their school and their grades, important? Have you ever listened to them at all?
Seriously, what's wrong with people these days?? There are uncountable parents out there who, force their children to go to schools or colleges that they don't want to go just so that they could brag about it to their friends, scold them too far or hit them just because they got low marks even when the child had done their best, and restricted them from going out with their friends if not under constant surveillance (a phone call every half an hour and a go-home-or-no-food call after 2 hours).
What, you think I'm exaggerating huh? Well open your eyes, short-sight. I've read news, I've seen living proofs, I've BEEN a living proof for some cases.
I've read news about students half my age attempted suicide, what the hell happened in that family?? And their parents stories would be, "I don't know, he/she never talked to me about his/her problems". Well, maybe if they allowed their child to tell stories other than their school or grades, or at least be interested about it, things might gone better.
And 10-year olds doing drugs? High percentage of free sex at junior high? For God's sake, where are their parents when they're still learning about social ethics?? Offices? Saloons? Arisans??
Incidents on children while playing with their friends because they were imitating WWF moves, children involved in criminal activities so far that they shot people because they play too much GTA. Grown-ups will simply decide "It's the show's fault, we should ban it from TV", or "It's the game's fault, video-games do nothing but destroying our children".... IDIOTS!!
If they were imitating WWF, why don't we recall its show time... dead midnight.. Why in the world did they let their child stay up late, watching TV, on that age?? Do they actually care about how they would grow up to be?? I don't watch WWF, I don't even like it, I'm just pissed by the dungheads who blamed it.
They play too much GTA... GTA is rated M for Mature, so officially it's for 17 years above, practically it's for 15 year olds who can tell the difference between a game and reality. If the parents can't even explain that to their child, they should get their child adopted by more competent parents.
Because it's either that they're just too damn dumb to do that, or they don't care anything about their children as long as they got good marks at school so they never even communicate about daily life stuffs, which makes games as the closest "friend" that the children could ever have at home, even more so if they're restricted from outdoor activity due to academic reasons.
On a side note, believe me, I've seen and heard this with my eyes and ears, accompanied with my brother; We were looking for a game DVD at a store, and we overheard a kid around 8-10 years old talking to an adult (probably his dad or uncle) about what game should he buy. Well, the adult recommended GTA San Andreas, holding it to the kid. I could no longer foresee the bright future of the upcoming generations.....
Those are the extreme obvious effects from a wrong home education, the subtle ones are just as dangerous. Ever seen people these days became so arrogant to other people simply because they are smarter or richer? Wearing trousers inappropriately? Cutting through a line of queue with no respect to the person who got there first? Throwing trash anywhere they want shamelessly? Yup, those are the products of mannerless home education.
I have a friend, who's still a first grader in senior high, and his life at home hurts me. I always thought I had it bad on my days, well this kid got a lot worse I can't even start to explain it. As a result, now he's a pessimistic anti-social otaku who can't even talk to a girl from a normal real world, jeez.
Not taking it too far, I got a friend at college who can't even talk to a shopkeeper when he wants to buy stuffs that he don't understand, and he's not allowed outside of home unless when he goes to campus. Yes, he's 23. Good Lord...
So don't be surprised if children these days will do this even if the old man didn't told them to, I know I did.

Sorry for the rant, I suddenly got in a mood of writing, I even continued my novel project...
Huh, what? My Final Task? Ah... well.....
..That's all for today logging off tha2.
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