"Lebaran sebentaaar lagi...."
..So they say. Well, it is coming soon.. But that's not the main point here.
I bet I'm not the only one complaining about the trend that happens every single time we, moslems, celebrate Lebaran; The never ending madness of fashion show-offs.
My parents pointed out the reason of why people always buy new clothes for the big day as "To show how much we care about our children and to show respect to the people we visit".
It's still sounds like brahmin dung to me. I mean, if you go so far as to buy new clothes with hundreds thousand of rupiahs, simply to show that you care for your children to other people, wouldn't it be considered merely as to "protecting your pride as a parent"?
And if you want to show respect to the people that you visit, you don't need to use freshly bought clothes, all you need are tidy clothes that reflects your sincere motive of maintainin silaturahmi with the people you visit. Wouldn't using freshly bought clothes every year for your visit could mean you showing off your wealth?
On top of it all, there is no such saying from the prophet Muhammad that "you should buy new clothes for every Lebaran".
I have no idea when this trend started. It feels like the "chocolate giving" trend in Valentine's days
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