Yep, I am
ECO Report: Lvl 99 reached.

Max level? Nope, at least 11 more to the limit. But I don't have the willpower to go on anymore, at least for now.
CoD MW3 report: Completion.
It only took 2 days of 4 hours/day, kinda broken for a 14GB+ sized game if you ask me. So even now the record for the longest Call of Duty games still being held by the first one.
LoL Report: Getting better (?)
Still need to work up my skills some more, so far I can only do good with Caitlyn. =="
Dragon Nest Report: All chars lvl 32, Acrobat almost full geared.
It was a easier before when the level cap is still 24. But now suddenly everything I need will pop my Gold stash.

BF3 and Skyrim Report: On hold.
Harddisk space factor, I can't put BF3 in unless I do some clean ups.
As for Skyrim..... I fear only God can save me if I play it before I deal with the others first, so I'm not even going to test-play it. I remember my "test-play" on Fallout 3 lasted for 3 days straight. Yeah, I skipped my college classes.
That'll be all for now, too busy shitting rainbows from these swarms of fun. And I still haven't included Assassin's Creed Revelations