How are you guys doing??
I'm sorry for not posting as frequent as I used to these days, I guess the stress from my past final project really made me want to tell stories to people. (Hence the movie o_O)
Anyway, here are the late updates:
-I'm employed now at PT INTI. The same place I went during my trial period back at college; which means,
-I'm living at Bandung, again
-I still don't know jack about electrical engineering, though this is no suprise to most people who knows me D:
-I gained 1 kg!!
And as the last but might be he most important one, because this is one of the main cause on my lack of posting: I'm playing ECO Indonesian server \o/

For those who don't know what this game is, it's a Japanese MMORPG developed by SquareEnix (!) that is filled with cute girls (!!) and other stuffs that will take forever to mention. @_@
You should go and read about it in the net for more details, or you can just play it. It's fun. o/
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