Another birthday to the author of this unread blog! Boy, the thought of turning 25 never really crossed my mind. So this is how it feels like to be a quarter of century old. O_o
Today's birthday is quite special, since I'm not celebrating it alone anymore. I have my sweet daughters here for me as well. :3
I was on my way to the office's Foodcourt when suddenly...
A Wild Kitteh appeared!
With me being a cat lover, the result was expected: I put down every defenses and call out to it like a little girl talking to her teddy bear. It turned out that the cat was so tame it snuggled itself all over my leg...
*ahem* Anyway, I spent time with her for I don't know how long. All I remember was the warm fuzzy feeling of joy, cat purrs, and the staring of passerbys.
Oh, I haven't told you guys this yet; I'm actually allergic to cat furs, I had a temporary runny nose and now my chin is itchy. But that's not really a notable case to me, for this table below will explain what I - and perhaps, the rest of world's cat lovers - believe about petting a cat outdoors.
I wish I can meet her again in the near future. (>.<)
Went around 9gag today and came across a Derek Sivers' video below.
Since I've been practically living in the internet for quite a while now, I can understand this one completely, and quite personally too.
It's true that people really feel like they just can say anything to anyone because the person they're talking to is not in front of them, this applies to phone and texting as well. And sadly sometimes they can just go say bad things without thinking because they think they're talking to some kind of an NPC who won't feel a thing about it.
Have you ever been in an internet forums? I'm sure most of you have, since the fact you're reading this shows how capable you are in the web life, and usually those kind of people have at least one forum as their shelter. But have you attended its gathering event? If you do, I'm sure you notice how some people you usually talk casually there behave; shy and don't talk as much as they do there. XD
I remember my friend said that, "conversation between lovers usually don't end up well in messengers or sms". And I experienced it myself during those 2 years I had with my ex.
I've been trying to treat people over the web as a real person, I even became some kind of life counselling center for some of my friends because of that. But there are times I forget how talking to other people should be, and made a mess out of it. I really hope I never make the same mistake again. :<
By the way, you might want to look at the rest of the videos on YouTube. They're quite heart-warming and made me realized stuffs I usually forget and/or not paying attention in life.
I'm sorry for not posting as frequent as I used to these days, I guess the stress from my past final project really made me want to tell stories to people. (Hence the movie o_O)
Anyway, here are the late updates: -I'm employed now at PT INTI. The same place I went during my trial period back at college; which means, -I'm living at Bandung, again -I still don't know jack about electrical engineering, though this is no suprise to most people who knows me D: -I gained 1 kg!!
And as the last but might be he most important one, because this is one of the main cause on my lack of posting: I'm playing ECO Indonesian server \o/
For those who don't know what this game is, it's a Japanese MMORPG developed by SquareEnix (!) that is filled with cute girls (!!) and other stuffs that will take forever to mention. @_@
You should go and read about it in the net for more details, or you can just play it. It's fun. o/