Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Should I be...?

Awrite, the game companies had seriously made my day these months; All four newly released series are a blast!! Namely, Fallout 3, Crysis Warhead, Far Cry 2, and C&C Red Alert 3.

With all those I could literally forget about my social life and stick myself to the computer, especially with Fallout 3.. ~_~

I've been thinking though, is there a way to make this hobby of mine as a job? I mean, they got reviewers and testers over there, and they got paid handsomely.

I really wish I could be a pre-hands-on tester.. As in a groups of final testers, so the developers know what elements are missing, what possible bugs may happen, and everything. For example, Fallout 3 is near perfect, however there are a few things that still needs to be configured (I'll explain them in my review posts someday).

And I know that out there people are PAID for being a pro and sharing tips and tricks. Here, all you'll get are some astonished face, congratulations, and mostly sneers and disrespect looks because here playing games is dumb. Bullshit...

Hhh, back to my novel again then...

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