-I planned to go to Bandung at 05.30, but the whole family overslept so I had to take the 06.30 travel.
-I went to my professor in hopes for enlightenment for my thesis. What I got was some "Lol n00b, DIY" response.
-Thought I'd ask my friend instead. What I got from him was some "OMGWTF iz dis haxx0r shit" response.
-Decided that there was no further use staying around any longer, I went to my (rented) crib. Thought I'd stick around for a bit and check out my siblings there...
Only to find that one is still in deep sleep while the other was about to go out.
-Thus my business at Bandung was (prematurely) done by 10 o'clock, so I headed out with my sis and went separate ways so I could catch the 10.30 travel..
Which turned out that there were no travels for 10.30 & 11.30, so I took the one for 12.30.
-Thought I'd kill some of those 2 hours by walking around Ciwalk. I did expected it to be empty, but not as desolate as I found out.
-Went to check out new movies at XXI, thought I'd pass some time at the arcade along the while... Yet it was still not open yet, so no access to the arcade as well.
-Had enough, I went back to the travel pool. Accompanied by light, passionate rain.
-It was raining cats & dogs along the way to Jakarta, so it was pretty cold.
-On my way back home, my path was blocked by flood, so I had to take a detour. Which was far enough to sweat me from the top to the bottom.

Fukou da...
At least things got better since I was back at home though.
By the way, don't forget to vote at ISML. 2 hours remaining.
Oh, and NZL vs SVK: 1-1. Nice one eh NZ? First goal in world cup, ever.
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