Seriously, I do believe that with what I already known up 'till now, I could teach a total n00b on how to recreate it. Why should I go over the details that much?
If I'm going to teach someone else on how to do it, I really don't believe that they will even care about the details on what I've done, as long as they could do it as well.
I mean, the guys that made the references that I used also DIDN'T go over the details so much. Hell, if they did, I wouldn't be so dumbfounded for nearly a year..
*Sigh*... Ah, well.. When El Padrino says otherwise, I guess I could only do it with no questions asked huh..
Anyway, that's all for the bad news. I want to skip that backup-overwrite-original accident on my final project report that occurred this morning, because this one's grand.
Here goes.....

Congratulations to Misaka Mikoto for winning the Ruby necklace!!
You've really shown those other girls what can a thundere ojou-sama do, eh biri-biri? Keep it up, there's still the Diamond necklace and the Heavenly Tiara to grab! I bet every single one of your sisters would be proud for you. ^_^
So, with whom are you going to celebrate this victory with now, hmm?
Your family? (including your 9000++ sisters)
Your usual gang? (might want to take and aphrodisiac antidote, just in case Kuroko's at it again)
A proper date with that special 'baka' of yours? (try to be honest this time around, kay)
Well, whatever you going to do, be sure to have some R&R, that was a really tough match you had back there. Anyway, congratulations again, wish me luck with my own battle as well, will ya?
Ah, that's right. I forgot something... I haven't taken a bath since morning.... D:
Signing out now, cheerio.
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